The new regulations have to be presented and approved by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife and the Wildlife Commission. They also have to go through public hearings in multiple different cities in the state. The Governor has to sign off on the new regs. It looks like we will have to have a couple of state statutes changed. So that requires a bill being written by a state Senator and a House Representative and then that bill has to be approved by the state Senate and House. Oklahoma's new regulation proposal has to be looked over by the USFWS to make sure that it is as restrictive or more restrictive than the Federal Falconry Regulations. The OK Wildlife Department also has to update their website to allow for Internet reporting of 3186-a, raptors trapped, bought, or transferred. And I am sure that there are several more things that I am forgetting since I do not have my notes in front of me.

This is quite the process, but to have the new regulations in place as soon as possible will be a great thing for all partys involved. We are lucky in this state to have a willing and able Wildlife Department and a very involved and enthusiastic Falconry Club to help move us toward the new age of falconry in Oklahoma and to be a leader in this process for the rest of the country.