Sunday, September 16, 2012


Finally kiting.  Up to about 300' after 5 flights.  Now if the wind will just continue to cooperate.....


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Baby Flaps

The new falcon is coming along.  We started out just lure flying for her to gain some confidence on the wing and put on a little muscle to get things rolling.

Lately, she has been giving between 20-30 stoops to the lure.  We took a little break this weekend while the temperature jumped back into the 100's.  That, coupled with the opening of dove season, and I felt it was best to take a couple of days off.  Planning on dusting off the kite tomorrow and its all up and away from here on out.

My current work intern and friend is trying his hand at longwinging this season by flying a Cassini Peregrine that I picked up over the summer.  The bird came in with a mild case of bumble foot, a overgrown beak, and horrible feather condition.  It was a chamber bird that was never sold and never flown.  I don't know much more about the bird aside from what I saw when it first arrived.  
Better perching cured the bumble foot, a coping, and stellar imping work (if I do say so myself) and the bird is ready to go.  As with many adult birds that were not flown in their first season, he lacks confidence and is slow to gain it in the flying department.  However, he continues to make progress and I'm sure he'll work out just fine in the end.  

Finally, who doesn't love a picture of a Pointer doing what every fiber of her being tells her to do?