Monday, October 3, 2011

Oklahoma Passage Peregrine Take

I'm happy to report that Oklahoma has filled both of its passage Peregrine permits this year!  It has been a lot of work.  First to get passage take allowed and then even more work to retain our permits in Oklahoma due to a lot of pressure to give ours up to Texas by those who didn't think that it could be done away from a beach.

The falcons have to move across the country before they can hit those Texas beaches and lucky for us there are several locations in Oklahoma where fair numbers of Peregrines stop over on their trips south.  I'll be the first to admit though, that it is nowhere near as easy or glamorous trapping up here as would be on a coastal beach, but definitely can be done and we feel it can be done year after year as long as someone has the desire!

Photos courtesy of Mitch Wishson.  This bird couldn't have been trapped by a nicer guy or better falconer.


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